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A Podiatrist's Take on Peroneal Tendon Injuries

Peroneal Tendonitis

There are a variety of cause of peroneal tendon injuries that can vary from direst trauma to slow repetitive tearing of the tendons. There are two peroneal tendons in each foot/ankle: the peroneus longus and the peroneus brevis. The muscle bellies start on the outside of the lower leg, then turn into tendons that wrap around the outside of our ankles. Their purpose is to help turn our feet and ankles outwards, and also help prevent ankle sprains.

Peroneal tendonitis:

A condition where the tendons swell (inflame), usually due to repetitive motions such as repeated movements in sports or running/walking.

Peroneal tendonosis:

A condition where the tendons start to break down, and is usually in the later stages.

Peroneal subluxation:

A condition in which the peroneal tendons “pop” out of place, which can be either uncomfortable or painful. Our peroneal tendons are held into place by a retinaculum (a fibrous band) that is supposed to prevent our peroneal tendons from moving out of place. If that retinaculum is attenuated (stretched out) or torn, then the tendons can pop out of place.

Peroneal Tendon Pain:

Patient will often describe to our physicians that they are experiencing pain on the outside of the foot/ankle, inflammation of the ankle, foot or ankle weakness, and possibly a change in their arches.

Podiatrist Treatment of Peroenal Tendonitis:

Our Podiatists are highly skilled at both conservative and surgical treatment options for treating peroneal tendon injuries. Please feel free to make an appointment with our Podiatrists if you are experiencing any foot pain or ankle pain. Foot pain or ankle pain is not normal! Our Podiatrists are here to help! Early treatment is best for all type of peroneal tendon conditions. 

Ryan Goldfine, DPM Dr. Ryan Goldfine is a board certified foot and ankle surgeon. He is a Marietta Podiatrist.

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