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A Trauma Podiatrist’s Take on Foot Fractures and Ankle Fractures

Ankle sprain

Ankle and Foot Trauma

Sports injuries, motor vehicle accidents, falls, or just slipping on a curb, foot and ankle fractures can happen to anyone! As with most injuries, early intervention is paramount! Whether you choose to see Dr. Goldfine or another foot and ankle doctor, please seek care as soon after the injury as possible. If you are unsure as to whether or not a severe foot injury occurred, keep pressure off of the affected side immediately, ice, elevate, and compress.

When it comes to foot and ankle fractures, sometimes that broken pieces of bone are non-displaced (haven’t moved), and can be treated without surgery. An x-ray taken at our office or another location can help with diagnosis.

How Do I Know if I Have a Foot or Ankle Fracture?

Without an x-ray, you might not know if you have a fracture. Some signs of a fracture include severe pain, swelling, bruising, fracture blisters, and not being able to walk. In terms of ankle fractures, many people mistake an ankle sprain for a fracture.

Foot and Ankle Fracture Treatment

As previously mentioned, if the fracture pieces haven’t moved out of place, sometimes surgery is not needed. If the fracture pieces have moved and changed position, surgery may be indicated. Our foot and ankle surgeons believe that it is important to discuss the pre-operative course, surgical procedure, and post-operative course in detail with our patients. As always, please feel free to reach out to us!


Schedule an appointment with our Podiatrists!

Ryan Goldfine, DPM Dr. Ryan Goldfine is a board certified foot and ankle surgeon. He is a Marietta Podiatrist.

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